If You Build it They Will Come
The success of the Farm House debut indicates Riverside may be ready for more family entertainment venues.
Main Street vendors return for April Artswalk after two months of rainy first Thursdays.
After two consecutive rainouts, we have a favorable weather forecast for Riverside Artswalk. Artists On Main, the live art demos, and music acts will be back on the Main Street Mall this Thursday, April 4. As usual, the outdoor events will be accompanied by open houses at all of the Galleries and Museums downtown.
Since our last full version of the first Thursday fixture, four new exhibits have opened at the Riverside Art Museum’s two Mission Inn Avenue locations. Judithe Hernández | Beyond Myself, Somewhere, I Wait for My Arrival and Uncaged Perspectives at The Cheech and Taylor Moon Castagnari: The Balancing Act and Sheila Pree Bright: Plastic Bodies at the RAM (Julia Morgan Building).
Make sure to visit all of our downtown art vendors and businesses. Purchasing anything from local artists and artisans is always a win/win. Make the trip down Lemon, drop into the Penrose Record Room and see what they’re doing, then visit Cosme at Division 9 Gallery and congratulate him on the three awards he received at the Mayor’s Ball.
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