City Holds 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony at Council Chambers

City officials, First Responders, and the public packed the chambers to commemorate the 23rd anniversary of the attacks.

City Holds 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony at Council Chambers
Fire Chief Michael Moore and Odin. (Ken Crawford)

The City of Riverside held a 9/11 Remembrance ceremony at the City Council Chambers. Members of the city government, Fire and Police Departments, and the public attended to pay respect to the victims of the attacks twenty-three years ago. The ceremony was simple and was centered on the charge to never forget 9/11/2001. It was emphasized that we should never forget the conditions that led to complacency that allowed the attacks to occur and never forget the unity that came to follow.

A packed Council Chambers gathers for 9/11 remembrance ceremony. (Ken Crawford)
Riverside City Firefighters Pipe and Drums. (Ken Crawford)
Right: Steel Beam from World Trade Center. (Ken Crawford)

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