City of Riverside Offers Tips for Wildfire Preparation and Prevention

As fires burn across Southern California, here are a few tips for keeping your home and family as safe as possible

City of Riverside Offers Tips for Wildfire Preparation and Prevention
Smoke rises from the Hawarden Hills fire on July 21, 2024. (Justin Pardee)

We love Riverside for its rolling hills, open spaces, and sunny weather. However, with those things come the fires. We have or know someone who has suffered a loss or been evacuated due to a wildfire.

The Santa Ana winds are blowing this week; even the national news is focused on Southern California and the fires affecting many of our surrounding cities.

We can’t stop wildfires from happening, but we can prepare ourselves and our homes to help prevent and lessen the damage to our own homes.

The city recommends three easy-to-remember rules for staying as fire-safe as possible.

1. Keep It Clean

A clean home is a safe home!

  • Clear roofs, gutters, and yards of dead leaves, pine needles, and debris regularly.
  • Store firewood, propane tanks, and other flammable materials at least 30 feet away from your home.

2. Keep It Clear

Create a buffer zone to defend your property!

  • Maintain at least 100 feet of defensible space around your property.
  • Remove dry plants, trim overgrown vegetation, and create spacing between trees and shrubs to slow fire spread.

3. Keep Informed

Knowledge is power—be ready for anything!

The City of Riverside also offers a more comprehensive guide on its website that explains property owners’ responsibilities, under law and regulation, for responsible fire safety on their properties and more tips for mitigating risks in fire-prone areas.

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