Collar Bone

A prompt to encourage your practice of creativity this week from Riversider and local author Larry Burns.

Collar Bone

Do you need a low stress way to include seven minutes of creative contemplation into your week? Consider this your helpful nudge towards a slightly more creative life. If it helps, come back every week for a quick hit of creative contemplation. Each week I’ll share a new nudge. It will include a Thing (T), a Place (P), and a Sense(S) for your focus, a TPS creative nudge.

Welcome back from last week’s tape-tastic exploration! Did you roll out some fun kinetic art? Maybe a neighbor has your tape collage stuck to their front door. Perhaps a wall or window of your office is now plastered with inspirational quotes made of duct tape. Whether you fashioned a tape cape or recorded the kinetic art of rolling tape, I hope you found new ways to stick it to your creative ideas.

For this round, let’s change it up a bit and take a look inside ourselves for our inspiring object. I like to laugh, so my first choice was the elbow, which is aka “the funny bone.”  But that’s a little too obvious for the sublime activities we try to germinate with our short shot of creative explorations. So, the thing we will use for our focus this week will be our collarbones. 

The collarbone doesn’t have tons of cool nicknames like the cranium. It can’t transform and adapt and interact with other parts like our hands. But neither of those hipper parts can do their jobs without the steady reliability of the collarbone. 

With this week’s nudge clearly labeled and within reach, you can execute several minutes of creative play from wherever you are right now. This mostly tactile experience allows you to get in touch with an important part of your body. Connect into that steady and solid part of yourself, and then free your creative mind with one or more of these interactive distractions:

  1. Bone Thugs-N-Harmony: Tap a tune with your finger or a suitable object. Explore patterns and pacing; maybe add in a few leg slaps or foot stomps if you want to get the whole band involved. Come up with some silly lyrics to go with those sounds and sing it with gusto. Bonus creative accolades if you do this in public.
  2. Collar Bone Sketches: Use a mirror to observe the shape and position of your collar bones. Sketch a series of drawings that capture different angles and perspectives. Experiment with different styles—realistic, abstract, or even surreal. This activity encourages you to see a familiar part of your body in a new light and can enhance your observational skills.
  3. Self-Adornment: Decorate your collar bones with temporary tattoos, body paint, or jewelry. Create a design that reflects your personality, mood, or a particular theme. 
  4. Shrug it Out, Bro: Pay attention to how your collar bones move when you perform different activities. Dance, lift an object, or do yoga, focusing on the movement and position of your collar bones. Create a video reflecting on how this awareness of movement impacts your physical and emotional state.
  5. Interoceptive Meditation: Practice a meditation session; sit or lie down and direct your attention to your collar bones. Notice any sensations, tension, or relaxation in this area. Write about your experience and any insights you gained.

Did you know that artists throughout history have used self-reflection and observation of their own bodies to create powerful and evocative works of art? Frida Kahlo’s self-portraits often depicted her physical pain and resilience, turning her body into a canvas for exploring her identity and experiences. This week, let’s adopt a similar mindset and use our collarbones as a focal point for self-exploration and creative discovery.

As we explore the creative potential of our collar bones, we’re showing appreciation for the role they play in our physical and artistic lives. By paying attention to the subtle sensations and movements going on right beneath our skin, we may deepen our self-awareness enhancing our creative expression.

This column was written with the help of a customized GPT from OpenAI. If I can make one, so can you!

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