Full Auditory Alchemist

A prompt to encourage your practice of creativity this week from Riversider and local author Larry Burns.

Full Auditory Alchemist
(Titus Pardee)

Greetings, puddle jumpers! Last week, we splashed around in the reflective and playful nature of puddles, transforming them into canvases for photography, scientific experiments, and even theatrical performances. Did you capture the distorted beauty of your surroundings in surreal pictures?  Maybe you choreographed a sidewalk slide in the rain to challenge the supremacy of the Electric slide? Some of us might have found the perfect puddle to ponder over, and perhaps you're there right now, waiting for another rain cloud to appear.

This week, we're diving into the auditory realm, specifically, that persistent melody that refuses to leave your brain: the earworm. You know the one – that song, jingle, or snippet of music that loops endlessly in your mind, driving you slightly mad.

Across cultures, this phenomenon has many names. In German, it's an "Ohrwurm," literally "earworm." In Tagalog, it's called an "LSS" (Last Song Syndrome). In Spanish, "canciĂłn pegadiza" or "sticky song". Regardless of the label, the experience is universal: a musical fragment lodged in our consciousness, playing on repeat.

Often, the only "cure" is time. The earworm will eventually move on like a fickle tenant. But until then, why not harness its persistent energy and transform it into something creative? Let's turn this auditory annoyance into artistic gold with the persistent assistance of one or more of these creative distractions for several minutes of creative contemplation:

  1. Lyric Reimagining: Take the lyrics of your earworm and rewrite them. Change the meaning, create a parody, or explore a completely different narrative. Use the original melody as a foundation for your new lyrical creation.
  2. Visual Earworm: Translate the feeling and imagery of your earworm into a visual art piece. Paint, draw, or create a collage that captures the mood, rhythm, or story of the song.
  3. Musical Memoir: Write a short story or memoir piece inspired by the song stuck in your head. Explore the memories, emotions, or associations that the song evokes. Does it remind you of a specific time or place? Does it trigger a particular feeling?
  4. Earworm Remix (Conceptual): Imagine a remix of your earworm but in a completely different genre. How would it sound as a classical piece? A jazz improvisation? A heavy metal anthem? Write a description of your imagined remix, or even try to create a short sample using online music tools.

These persistent tunes, though sometimes maddening, remind us that even the most irritating experiences can be transformed into sources of inspiration. The earworm, in its insistent and often perplexing way, forces us to confront the unexpected, to find patterns and meaning where we might not have looked before.

Let the earworm's strange power guide you; find beauty in its unexpected melody and unleash your artistic expression. Allow the rhythm to dictate the strokes of your brush, the cadence of your words, or the flow of your movement. In this act of transformation, we reclaim control, turning a source of annoyance into a wellspring of creativity. Let the melody lead you into uncharted terrain.

This column was written with the help of Google's Gemini Advanced, a powerful generative AI writing tool.

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