Jarred Heat

A prompt to encourage your practice of creativity this week from Riversider and local author Larry Burns.

Jarred Heat

Welcome back, fellow creatives! Last week, we stretched our imaginations with rubber bands, discovering the playful potential within elasticity and resilience. Did you create a symphony of twangs and plucks, or perhaps construct an intricate geometric pattern of colors inspired by a spider's web? Maybe you even rediscovered the simple joy of launching rubber bands over your cubicle walls – and flagrantly denying your involvement in the ensuing chaos. Whatever you did, I hope it was a little bit selfish and a few minutes of fun.

This week, we're shifting our creative gaze to a more stable object in your environment: a glass jar. Odds are, you have several of these lined up in your pantry or serving as makeshift cups and flowerpots. Better yet, take a peek in that blue recycle bin of yours that is still sitting at your curb and make this creative nudge a carbon-neutral reuse activity

With a little imagination, we can transform them into instruments of sound and self-expression. Sound is our sensory focus this week; let's listen closely until the melodies emerge.

Imagine the satisfying clink of a spoon against the rim of a glass jar or the gentle whoosh of air escaping as you open a Mason jar. These subtle sounds, bubbling about our days, can become the building blocks of a unique auditory experience.

Gather a few glass jars of different shapes and sizes, then let your ears guide you toward multiple minutes of metered creative expression. One of these GPT-generated activities is sure to sound like it was hallucinated just for you:

  1. Jar Drum Solo: Tap, strike, and scrape the jars with various objects—spoons, chopsticks, even your own fingernails. Can you create a rhythmic pattern or a percussive melody? Give everyone around you a jar for a calorie-free jam session.
  2. Up to Here: Fill jars with different materials—rice, beans, sand, water—then shake, swirl, and tilt the jars to produce a variety of sounds. Record your sonic story and make people guess what it is.
  3. Car Jar Drinks:  Box up several sturdy glass jars, strap them into the passenger seat, and go for a ride. Judge your turning and stopping skills by how much noise you make or how many jars make it home safely.
  4. Sound off: Find a quiet space and place a glass jar over your ear. Listen closely to the amplified sounds of your surroundings—the hum of appliances, the chirping of birds, even the rhythm of your own heartbeat.

As we engage with these creative exercises, let's appreciate the glass jar's ability to contain and resonate. Creative expression that manages to be protective and projective is just the kind of creativity we need in our world today. 

So, the next time you reach for a glass jar, take a moment to appreciate its versatility and all it contains. Just like these glass jars we've played around with, you, too, are vessels for creativity, resonating with the world around you and sharing your unique melodies with others.

Creative types like us should always try new things, which is why this week's column was written with Google's Gemini Advanced assistance. 

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