Neighbor of the Week: Dr. Sue Suh

Each week, we will introduce a new neighbor. This is not a who's who list. These are regular Riversiders doing exceptional things.

Neighbor of the Week: Dr. Sue Suh

Dr. Sue Suh runs a dental practice in Riverside. She saw that dental care had become difficult to attain for veterans and seniors after retirement. Dr. Suh started a non-profit organization, Smile Unto Him, to provide care at no cost to those communities.

β€œGod has blessed my life in many ways, and I have decided to give back to the low-income, and most vulnerable community by providing 100% free dental care,” says Dr. Suh. β€œSmile Unto Him provides 100% free and high-quality dental care to low-income veterans, and seniors in Riverside County. The operation of the clinic has been possible thanks to our volunteers, and supporters.”

What is your Mt. Rubidoux summit count? Sushi OK.

What is your favorite restaurant in town? Smile Unto Him

The Festival of Lights: every year on opening night or maybe on a Tuesday? It is one of my favorite place to visit in winter time.

Do you call it the Galleria or Tyler Mall? I call it Tyler Mall.

If you could put one message on a billboard on the 91, what would it be? Trust in God!

Neighbor of the Week is a series profiling the hidden heroes of Riverside, doing incredible works of service throughout our different neighborhoods.
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