Right-Turn-Only Rules Already in Effect at Key Downtown Intersection
$7,465 Market Street project heading to Council after January implementation.
Each week, we will introduce a new neighbor. This is not a who's who list. These are regular Riversiders doing exceptional things.
I have lived in Riverside since 1975 when I was relocated by a large East Coast corporation. In 1994, I sold a Corona-based metal casting company, where I had been CEO, and then founded the Patrician Group here, with an emphasis on design as well as manufacturing. In that capacity, I have been privileged to be engaged in the creation of numerous public projects, including the Wall of Honor at City Hall, the sword and stone Veterans monument by the County administration building, and the Eagle & lights memorial within that building's lobby. I also designed the Congressional Medal of Honor Memorial at the Riverside National Cemetery. Through my involvement with such work, I was invited to join Riverside's annual Salute to Veterans Parade Committee in 2007 and have been Chairman for the last 5 years. Learn more about the event at www.asalutetoveteran.org.
What does Riverside mean to you? Before arriving in Riverside, I had been told what a great place it was to be. "Close to our West Coast plant and offices, small city charm, an hour from the mountains, an hour from the city, an hour from the desert, an hour from the beach!" Well, I was a "city mouse" and concluded there must be nothing here. WRONG. It wasn't long until I was charmed, and I remain so. What does Riverside mean to me? HOME. Once in a while, my wife asks me if I don't miss living in Pittsburgh and New York City, and wonders if we might ever move back. I tell her, go ahead, just send me a card from time to time. I'll be right here at HOME with my cat.
What is your Mt. Rubidoux summit count (estimated)? Twice on foot. Numerous times in a truck, as my company has restored, replaced, or replicated and installed many of the cast bronze plaques on the Mount, as well as one granite plaque.
What is your favorite restaurant outside of Downtown or Magnolia Center? Red Lobster.
What is the most beautiful building in Riverside? The old Courthouse on Main.
What is your favorite Riverside small business? Autotech on Third Street.
What is your favorite Riverside non-profit organization? I'm biased; The annual Salute To Veterans Parade Committee a 501c-3.
The Festival of Lights: Every year on opening night or maybe on a Tuesday? On a Tuesday or Wednesday.
What is your go-to sandwich in town? "d'works" at D'Elias Grinders.
What is your idea of a perfect weekend day in Riverside? Well, Parade day of course, this year Friday November 9th. And naturally the day after... to recover.
Do you call it the Galleria or Tyler Mall? Tyler Mall.
What is one place in Riverside you would bring back if you could? Pitruzellos off La Cadena Drive.
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