Provisional Trustee Appointed in Riverside Unified School District

Pediatrician Jesse Oliver Tweed takes over for the late Trustee Tom Hunt

Provisional Trustee Appointed in Riverside Unified School District
Jesse Tweed being sworn in as RUSD Trustee (Courtesy Riverside Unified School District)

During a special meeting held on Monday, August 6, the Riverside Unified School District (RUSD) Governing Board unanimously voted to appoint Dr. Jesse Oliver Tweed to fill the Trustee Area 4 seat vacated by the passing of Trustee Tom Hunt.

The appointment will become permanent unless a petition is filed with the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools within 30 days and signed by a sufficient number of registered voters in the area. If not, Tweed's appointment will expire after the special election.

Tweed, a pediatrician and community leader, has served as the School Site Council President-elect for the past two years. He has also served in numerous medical community leadership positions, including President-elect for the pediatric staff at Parkview Community Hospital.

RUSD says Tweed is committed to advocating for high-quality education, creating an inclusive learning environment, and enhancing community engagement to support student success.

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