Coffee Shop Goes to the Dogs (In the Best Way)
This new Riverside spot serves up lattes with a side of puppy love.
A prompt to encourage your practice of creativity this week from Riversider and local author Larry Burns.
Hello and welcome back, back, back! Last week, we dropped into the reverberating world of echoes, exploring their sonic depths to uncover hidden dimensions of our creative sides. Did you cartograph an echo map that revealed the acoustic secrets of your surroundings? Maybe symphonies are more your thing, so you composed an echo chamber that resonated with layered soundscapes? Even if the best part of this exercise was the quiet moments between all that noise, echoes remind us that we are always making an impact on the world.
This week, we won't need our voices to be creative because we're relying on the laws of attraction for this week's creative nudge: magnets. From the compasses that guided ancient explorers to the powerful magnets that drive modern technology, magnets have played a vital role in shaping our world. Certainly, it's up to the task of helping you take a creative look at your surroundings for a few minutes.
I'm envious of magnets. The way they move objects without touching them, create intricate patterns with iron filings, and stand up to gravity sparks my curiosity…and respect. I'd also like to play with the unseen forces of our universe. Until then, I'll just make do with one or more of these creative exercises invented by predictive analytics but designed with you in mind.
Track down a magnet or three – raid the refrigerator, break open a broken speaker, even the magnetic clasp on your favorite bag will do the trick. This pun worthy effort to incorporate several minutes of creative contemplation into your day begins now!
As we engage with these creative exercises, let's appreciate the magnet's ability to spark wonder, operate like a boss in an invisible world, and inspire new ways of thinking. Magnets remind us that there's more to the world than meets the eye and that even the unseen forces can be harnessed for creative expression.
Did you know that the Earth itself is a giant magnet with a magnetic field that extends far into space? This magnetic field protects us from harmful solar radiation and plays a crucial role in navigation and animal migration. I do have to wonder what it might be pulling our way as we speak.
Just as the Earth's magnetic field shapes our world, we can also use magnets to shape our own creative endeavors. Using their natural powers for ourselves helps us attract new ideas and connect with our surroundings in literal and meaningful ways.
This column was written with the help of Google's Gemini Advanced, a powerful generative AI writing tool.
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