Raincross Rundown: The Best of Riverside in March 2025

A curated list of upcoming events and happenings The Gazette team is most excited about.

Raincross Rundown: The Best of Riverside in March 2025
Detail of Pavel Acevedo Mural at La Sierra’s Brandstater Gallery. (Ken Crawford)

Things start to warm up a bit in March, Daylight Savings Time starts, and Riversiders spring forward into a packed calendar. Consider this document "live," and feel free to let us know if there's something you feel we missed.

Women's History Month

March is Women's History Month. Riverside has events honoring the wide range of contributions of women to both local and global history, from women wrestlers and classical music to Civil Rights legends. Let's all take some time to celebrate women in March.

Community Events

Riverside really has become a city with a broad range of cultural options. Live theater, music, historical presentations, and plenty of other activities make it more likely that you have to choose between multiple great events than that you can't find something to do. Our calendar is packed for the month. Here are a few standout activities if you're looking for suggestions.

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day is on the 17th, but the party starts early. Get out your green unless you want to get pinched. Enjoy a pint or two and keep a close eye on your valuables because the leprechauns will be out looking to empty your pockets.

Buffet and a Ballgame

There is no better way to spend a Sunday in Riverside than CBU Sunday Brunch, followed by a NCAA Division 1 Baseball game. Check out the Lancers award-winning new clubhouse and enjoy the game. Buy tickets early; these Sunday games are popular!

Farmhouse Collective: Grand Opening

We have all been watching the transformation of the beloved University Avenue Farmhouse Motel over the last couple of years. Its new identity, the Farmhouse Collective, is almost ready to go, and on March 29th, they are having a Grand Opening! The Farm House Collective will be a premium food, retail, and live music venue that is sure to draw crowds from far beyond the city limits. It is so exciting to see the repurposing of such a charming group of buildings, maintaining some of what little is left of the kitschy mid-century appeal of old University Avenue.

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