Riverside STEM Academy named top high school in California

U.S. News also ranked the high school tenth, nationally in their annual survey.

Riverside STEM Academy named top high school in California

The Riverside STEM Academy (RSA) has been named the top high school in California and tenth in the nation by U.S. News Best High School Rankings. The survey includes 17,655 high schools across the country. The rankings were released on Wednesday, May 8.

U.S. News bases its annual rankings on multiple factors, including enrollment diversity, a 100% graduation rate, and high school student performance on state assessments.

“We aim to offer top-notch STEM education, and these rankings serve as confirmation of the exceptional work the students, educators, and staff in our district are known for,” said Riverside Unified School District (RUSD) Board President Dale Kinnear.

RUSD opened the RSA in 2011, and Superintendent Renee Hill has seen the school grow since its inception.

“One-third of RSA students enter below grade on either language arts or math standards, but all RSA students leave on standard and doing well on AP and other indicators, THAT makes me especially proud.” Hill said.

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