
35 articles (Page 3)
Riverside closing in on rezoning plans

Riverside closing in on rezoning plans

Next Tuesday, Oct. 5, Riverside City Council will move to adopt Phase 1 of the General Plan to comply with California’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment’s (RHNA) 2021-2029 Housing Element Cycle. RHNA has allocated 18,415 needed new homes of the state’s housing needs to Riverside, with the Community

A photo of the entrance to Riverside City Hall.

This week at City Hall

The following are notable agenda items from city meetings scheduled for this week. Charter Review Committee, Wednesday During their 5 p.m. meeting, the committee will discuss the final draft of the proposed charter amendment language which addresses the city’s electric utility general fund transfer

Riverside’s general plan housing element – an update

The issue of housing is becoming more inclusive, as Riverside’s Community and Economic Development Department (CEDD) is closing in on the policy wording for the Housing Element update of the city’s General Plan. After the CEDD presented the first draft of the Housing Element to the Housing and Homle

Riverside’s Housing Update: What We Know

Riverside’s Housing Update: What We Know

A state-mandated October deadline looms over the city to cough up space for 24,000 new homes, but some Riversiders are left wondering if they are only “best-laid plans.” The Community and Economic Development Department, or CEDD, is working in partnership with six consultant companies as they prepar

Help plan the future of housing in Riverside

As city officials plan for the development of at least 18,415 new homes over the next eight years, they want are seeking input to help inform their third and final, public information workshop. In collaboration with a consultant team of six companies, the City of Riverside Community and Economic Dev

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