The Raincross Gazette is on Summer Break

The Gazette's 2.5-person newsroom is on a publishing break through the end of July. Regular publishing will resume on Monday, August 4, 2024.

The Raincross Gazette is on Summer Break

Hello, Riverside – and happy Monday!

The Raincross Gazette staff is off on an end-of-summer break; this will be the last regular issue of The Gazette until we return to the office.*

We have two Sunday editions prepared for you on July 28 and August 4, but we will be returning to work on Monday, August 5. The next regular issue will land in your inboxes on Wednesday, August 7.

It is my hope to have a fully staffed newsroom by the end of 2025 so we can continue publishing news while staggering breaks and time off. With our current team size, synchronizing our time off is the best way for us to rest fully from work. If you want to contribute to the vision of a multi-reporter newsroom serving Riverside, please consider becoming a paid member. Every member paying $5 a month makes a massive difference, and membership revenue is the best way to help us hire more staff.

Thank you, and see you August,

*I'm saying "return to the office" even though we all currently work from home; please forgive the confusion!

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