Emerald Empire: Finding Ireland in Riverside's Hills
When late-season storms transform our desert landscape, these six local trails offer a taste of the Emerald Isle right in our own backyard—if you catch them at their brief, verdant peak.
Planning Commission to consider a pedestrian only Mariposa Alley
In-person meetings are back starting September 6th, at 1 p.m. at City Hall in the Art Pick Council chamber. Meetings will still be available to attend virtually for those who so choose to. There will not be any council meetings this week.
The Planning Commission will consider City Staff recommendation to turning Mariposa Alley into pedestrian use only. It is recommended that the alley, bounded by Ninth Street to the north, Parking Garage 6 to the east, Tenth Street to the south and Riverside City Hall to the west, will be paved and have removeable bollards.
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