Funny How
A prompt to encourage your practice of creativity this week from Riversider and local author Larry Burns.
It's the fifth Tuesday of March, so City Council will not meet. For Thursday, the preliminary fiscal year 2022-2024 biennial budget will be reviewed and the Planning Commission will look at a proposed 300-unit housing development.
Budget Engagement Commission – Special Meeting
Item 3: Providing input on the fiscal year 2022-2024 biennial budget
The budget engagement commission will have a special meeting Thursday to receive and provide input on the fiscal year 2022-2024 Biennial Budget. According to the general fund preliminary budget, Riverside expects to have over $310 million in revenues and over $305 million in expenditures for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. The city is expecting to receive over $50 million from the general fund transfer from the electric and water utility for that year.
According to the city’s preliminary Measure Z spending plan, the city is expected to take in over $76 million during the 2022-2023 fiscal year. A few of the expected expenses include $18.2 million for maintaining existing services, $11.3 million for additional sworn police positions, $5.8 million for fire and police vehicle replacement and maintenance, and $2.7 million for the new downtown main library.
Planning Commission
Item 5: Site plan review of mixed-use development
On Thursday, the commission will consider a site plan review for a mixed-use development that would have 300 multi-family residential units and 1,386 square feet of commercial retail space. The property is located off Massachusetts and Iowa Avenues and will be on the site of the former K-Mart shopping center.
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