This Week at City Hall: May 23

Item 6a The council will vote on a motion to waive the usual notification requirements of the Sunshine Ordinance, also known as the Brown Act, to allow the addition of a resolution supporting the Mulberry Garden Apartments Project. The Sunshine Ordinance requires 72 hour notification for any additio

A photo of the entrance to Riverside City Hall.

Item 6a

The council will vote on a motion to waive the usual notification requirements of the Sunshine Ordinance, also known as the Brown Act, to allow the addition of a resolution supporting the Mulberry Garden Apartments Project. The Sunshine Ordinance requires 72 hour notification for any additional items on a public meeting agenda, except in situations that could cause harm to city interests. In this case, a company planning an affordable housing project for families and seniors is trying to meet an urgent application deadline for a state matching grant program. The resolution was placed on the agenda on Friday, May 20, and will be considered on Tuesday, May 23, if the council approves.

Item 6b

The council will decide whether to adopt a resolution supporting a project that would provide 209 units of affordable housing โ€“ 150 units for families and 59 for seniors โ€“ at 2524 Mulberry Street. Eden Housing is applying to a state matching program that could provide up to $3,000,000 in funding for the Mulberry Garden Apartments Project.

Item 17

The Tesla showroom/repair facility planned for September 2022 is coming before the council again, this time to present the findings of reports about its possible environmental impact on the Orangecrest neighborhood where it will be located. The report found that the facility would not have a significant effect. The council will decide whether to allow it to proceed.

Item 24

The council will vote on whether to confirm the appointments of assistant city managers Kris Martinez and Rafael Guzman, and interim assistant city manager Edward Enriquez, to serve as city manager pro tempore during temporary absences or disabilities of the city manager.

Item 25

This item concerns the approval of a standard grant agreement with the State of California Governorโ€™s Office of Planning and Budget for $4,401,597 for the Californians For All Youth Workforce program.

Item 26

The council will consider a resolution regarding the financing of two police helicopters and related equipment using Measure Z funding. The cost for the helicopters and equipment is $11,291,564 with a 1.7729% interest rate over a 10-year period. Five yes votes are required to approve this item.

Item 27

Also under consideration by the council is another item regarding the use of Measure Z funding: in this case to cover some expenditures related to the Downtown Police Headquarters project. Measure Z funds will be used in the interim to finance aspects of the new headquarters before bonds can be issued; after bonds are issued, the Measure Z money will be reimbursed and returned to the fund.

Item 28

The council will vote on whether to approve $95,095, not to exceed $114,114, in Measure Z funding to M. Brey Electric of Beaumont for new landing lights at the police helipad located at 7020 Central Avenue.

Item 30

Before the council is a resolution approving the purchase of a Rovver X pipeline inspection camera system for the Public Works and Engineering division. The cost of the system has been estimated at $121,336.35, and if approved, would be purchased from Haaker Equipment Company of La Verne, California.

Item 31

The council will consider whether to enter into an agreement with Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway Company to accept $75,000 from the company toward the cost of the design phase of the Third Street Grade Separation Project in Wards 1 and 2. This is the beginnng of a multi-phase project which would involve lowering Vine Street to Park Avenue and building a bridge for rail traffic, realigning Commerce Street, building slopes, retaining walls, and a stormwater pump station, and relocating utilities.

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