Paint the Town Green: Riverside's St. Patrick's Day Guide 2025
From pub crawls to karaoke—your guide to Irish celebrations across the City.
This week at city hall, amendments and additions to the ordinance regulating homeless encampments, 20-acres of vacant land is being considered for housing developments and the Board of Ethics looks to seek outside council and consider a Code of Ethics Complaint placed against a councilmember.
Tuesday October 4th
City Council Meeting
Line 15- Update on the State of Emergency
Council will reconsider the current circumstances and decide whether to continue to recommend social distancing and continuing with teleconferenced meetings. Council will take into consideration that as of the date of the agenda being posted, the state of California is still under a declared state of emergency and Cal/OSHA still recommends all individuals wear face coverings while indoors.
Line 16- Ordinance regulating homeless encampments in high fire areas, ratified.
Section 9.04.600 of Chapter 9.04 of the Riverside Municipal Code amended and 9.04.610 through 9.04.630 added. These amendments and regulations make it unlawful to camp on public sidewalks, streets and/or other public property, including but not limited to wildland urban interface. Any violation of section 9.04.610 may include but is not limited to removal of bulky items, personal property, hazardous waste, infectious waste, discarded items or debris. Section 9.04.630 states that, ‘no person shall willfully prevent, delay, resist, obstruct, or otherwise interfere with a city official, employee, contractor, or volunteer in their execution of an abatement pursuant to this section.
Line 21- Approve two donation and naming rights
Dwight Tate and Kathy Wright donated $250,000 for naming rights to the Carnegie Reading Room at the Main Library. It will now read as, “The Maxine Tate Carnegie Reading Room” and Chris Carpenter donated $500,000 for naming rights to the Innovation Center, it will now read as, “The Molly Carpenter Innovation Center”. The contributions are deposited into the Riverside Public Library Foundation restricted fund for ongoing technology, materials, online resources and special project needs for all Riverside Public Library locations.
Line 24- Approval of a $2 million investment in Electrical Delivery Consultant Services
The Public Utilities Department asks the council to approve 13 amendments to the Master Professional Consultant Services Agreement Extensions. A one-year term with a one-year extension option for various public utilities capital projects. The existing agreements expired on June 30, 2022, the amendments will allow 13 currently active consultants to continue to work under the existing agreement terms until the work is completed and accepted.
Line 27- Approve the subdivision of 20 acres of vacant land
Proposal by Prenda Estates LLC. that Council accept the Final Map of Tract No. 31799 and adopt the Resolution of Acceptance for final approval to subdivide the 20 acres of vacant land located easterly of Bradley Street and south of Overlook Parkway into seven residential lots. Due to the timeline of the development the property owner has requested that in lieu of posting bonds for the public and private improvements, the city and property owner enter into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement.
Line 28- Wastewater Master Plan Technical Memorandum Summary of Financial Model Update
The Public Works Department asks that council approve the updated plan, approve the capital project funding approach outlined and authorize the use of $15,000,000 in Jurupa CSD settlement funds for sewer capital projects. Projects include replacing aging infrastructure, utilize renewable natural gas and constructing resource recovery projects.
Line 29- Measure Z- $2.31 million to go towards the redesign of the Museum of Riverside
The Museum Department asks council to approve a first amendment to the Professional Consultant Services Agreement with Perkins Eastman Architect D.P.C for Phase II architectural design services in the amount of $2,315,040 including a 10% contingency in the amount of $231,504 total not-to-exceed $2,546,544. The Museum of Riverside is located at 3580 Mission Inn Ave, Riverside, CA.
Wednesday, October 5th
Inclusiveness, Community Engagement and Governmental Processes Committee
Line 2- Envision Riverside 2025 Strategic Plan
On October 20,2020 City Council approved the Envision Riverside 2025 Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is made up of two components:
The performance metrics were identified to help measure the city’s progress in achieving strategic priorities. It was developed at the height of the pandemic and has since been updated and modified to reflect the progress to better align with the Fiscal Year 2022-24 Biennial Budget Cycle now that city operations are functioning more normally.
Thursday, October 6th
Board of Ethics (5 p.m.)
Line 6- Use of outside legal council
The City Attorney’s office asks the Board of Ethics exercise their discretion to use outside legal counsel in lieu of the city attorney to advise the Board of Ethics on specific matters.
Board of Ethics (6 p.m.)
Line 2- Code of Ethics Complaint
The Board will conduct a pre-hearing of the Code of Ethics complaint filed by Jennifer Larratt-Smith filed on September 12, 2022. Smith believes that Councilmember Condor will make a pre-judged vote regarding parking zoning lots and provided evidence in the form of emails, audio clips and witnesses. The evidence shows Councilmember Candor stating that he “stands with developers” and “cannot vote no” on the project/developer of the Lewis Group’s West Campus Upper Plateau proposal to the March Joint Powers Authority. The project was designated with business park zoning and the developer proposed a specific plan that seeks to alter the zoning to include industrial use.
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