đ Wednesday Gazette: March 19, 2025
Wednesday Gazette: March 19, 2025 Correction. In last Thursday's story about the new Garden Room at the Riverside
This week's agendas include a contract for repaving 27 miles of roads and proposed Title 20 updates allowing properties to be designated of historic significance without owner consent.
Welcome to our weekly digest on public meetings and agenda items worthy of your attention in the next week. This guide is part of our mission to provide everyday Riversiders like you with the information to speak up on the issues you care about.
City Council will meet in closed and open sessions on Tuesday, July 16, in afternoon sessions at 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. (agenda). The agendas include:
The Commission on Aging meets on Monday, August 19, at 4:00 p.m. (agenda).
The Park and Recreation Commission meets on Monday, August 19, at 6:30 p.m. (agenda) for an update on the City's swimming programs and youth sports leagues' use of city athletic fields.
The Cultural Heritage Board meets on Wednesday, August 21, at 3:30 p.m. (agenda) to review a proposal from All Saints Episcopal Church (Magnolia Ave and Terracina Dr) to remove a "non-original trellis" with a new pergola with solar panels and a proposal from the City for the construction of the new Eastside Library Building adjacent to the CĂ©sar ChĂĄvez Center.
The Economic Development Committee meets on Thursday, August 22, at 3:00 p.m. (agenda) to review the City's "Table Sponsorship Policy" for local events, including its ongoing agreement with the Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce.
The Human Relations Commission meets on Thursday, August 22, at 6:00 p.m. (agenda) for a presentation by the Fair Housing Council of Riverside.
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