This Week in City Hall: December 16, 2024

A year-end financial review, approving drones for anti-illegal fireworks policing, and a one-year pilot project to reduce cut-through traffic on Redwood Drive are on the City Council's agenda.

This Week in City Hall: December 16, 2024

Welcome to our weekly digest on public meetings and agenda items worthy of your attention in the next week. This guide is part of our mission to provide everyday Riversiders like you with the information to speak up on the issues you care about.

City Council

City Council will meet in closed and open sessions on Tuesday, December 17, in afternoon sessions at 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. and an evening session at 6:15 p.m. (agenda). The agenda includes:

  • A review of the City's 2023/24 fiscal year-end financial results and considering $43.74 million in budget carryovers to continue previously approved projects and services. (Item 6)
  • Considering recommendations to enhance efforts in reducing illegal fireworks use with drones and by amending the Municipal Code to include Social Host Liability. (Item 7)
  • The possible adoption of a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Bank Pilot Program to allow real estate developers to purchase credits from a bank of pre-selected bike, pedestrian, and transit projects to mitigate significant traffic impact new projects. (Item 15)
  • Approving the City's 2025-2026 Legislative Platform with priorities including addressing California's property insurance marketplace, homelessness, and housing, connecting Riverside to the 2028 LA Olympics, expanding recreation, increasing behavioral health infrastructure, and revitalizing the Santa Ana River. (Item 21)
  • A 12-month pilot project to reduce cut-through traffic on Redwood Drive by restricting southbound entry from University Avenue. (Item 36)

Human Relations Commission

The Human Relations Commission meets on Monday, December 16, at 6:00 p.m. (agenda) to discuss by-law revisions and hear a presentation on food insecurity.

Cultural Heritage Board

The Cultural Heritage Board meets on Wednesday, December 18, at 3:30 p.m. (agenda) to review the Cesar Chavez Center rehabilitation project and hear a presentation on historic preservation and economic development.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission meets on Thursday, December 19, at 9:00 a.m. (agenda) to consider street vacation proposals (a "street vacation" is kind of like "retiring" a street) for RUSD's new Eastside elementary school and the 3rd Street underpass project.

Commission on Disabilities

The Commission on Disabilities meets on Thursday, December 19, at 5:30 p.m. (agenda) for a presentation from The Moms Cooperative, a membership organization that seeks to "connect moms."

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