Emerald Empire: Finding Ireland in Riverside's Hills
When late-season storms transform our desert landscape, these six local trails offer a taste of the Emerald Isle right in our own backyard—if you catch them at their brief, verdant peak.
Riverside's city boards and commissions are set to discuss a range of topics, from library programs to industrial zoning changes.
Welcome to our weekly digest on public meetings and agenda items worthy of your attention in the next week. This guide is part of our mission to provide everyday Riversiders like you with the information to speak up on the issues you care about.
City Council will meet in closed and open sessions on Tuesday, Feb. 11, in an afternoon session at 1:00 p.m. (agenda). There are no items for public discussion on the agenda.
The Board of Library Trustees meets on Monday, Feb. 10, at 5:00 p.m. (agenda) to discuss an internship program, the Riverside Reads program, and an increased contract for digital media services.
The Board of Public Utilities meets on Monday, Feb. 10, at 6:00 p.m. (agenda) and will discuss investing $1.6 million in a water infrastructure project to support a new Northside Agriculture Innovation Center.
The Finance Committee (Councilmembers Hemenway, Robillard, and Falcone) meets on Wednesday, Feb. 12, at 3:00 p.m. (agenda) for a report from the Budget Engagement Commission, a review of the Governor's state budget proposal, and a review of the City's self-insurance funds, where rising claims costs have created a $10.8 million shortfall.
The Planning Commission meets on Thu, Feb. 13, at 9:00 a.m. (agenda) to review zoning code amendments that will establish stricter requirements for industrial development near sensitive areas and mandate green building practices for new warehouses throughout Riverside.
The Mobility and Infrastructure Committee (Councilmembers Conder, Hemenway, and Perry) meets on Thursday, Feb. 13, at 1:00 p.m. (agenda) to review a year-long pilot program that would offer 300 residents smaller trash bins at a 15% discount to test if this option could benefit both households and the City's waste management goals.
The Airport Commission meets on Thu, Feb. 13, at 3:00 p.m. (agenda) to review annual operations data showing record activity levels in 2024, with Riverside Municipal Airport ranking first among California contract towers while maintaining strong financial performance.
The Budget Engagement Commission meets on Thu, Feb. 13, at 5:00 p.m. (agenda) to review two fire safety investments totaling $1.4 million: a new incident management system to improve emergency response coordination and updated breathing equipment and protective gear to meet current safety standards.
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