Women Up Front for March ArtsWalk

From high school painters to civil rights heroes, women’s stories are a prominent feature of the first Thursday stroll downtown.

Women Up Front for March ArtsWalk
Selection from Phenomenal Women at RCAA. (Ken Crawford)

It may be a bit rainy, and that may affect the vendors on Main, but even if the outdoor events aren't happening, the Museums and Galleries will be open. Grab an umbrella and embrace the romance of a puddle-stomping saunter from exhibition to exhibition.

The Cheech

Make sure you head upstairs at the Cheech for the new exhibit Amalia Mesa-Bains: Archaeology of Memory. Mesa-Bains has been an influential artist for over fifty years, lending her unique vision to both the Women's and Chicano movements through her art and activism. The large-scale installations explore femininity, culture, and religion. The pieces can be appreciated at scale, but your eye will be drawn to the intricacies. Some of the larger pieces contain hundreds of smaller items. The exhibition as a whole feels like a walk-through collage, unified and bold but rich in detail.


Joel Sternfeld: On this Site - Riverside Art Museum & The Cheech

"Joel Sternfeld: On This Site" presents American landscapes with hidden histories, running from January 25 to July 6, 2025, in the Members Gallery. Sternfeld subverts traditional aesthetics by documenting ordinary locations that have witnessed significant, often violent, events. By showcasing these sites in their present state, Sternfeld challenges viewers to confront the invisible history within the everyday. This exhibition offers a powerful lens through which to examine how photography can serve as a tool for social engagement, history, and community dialogue.

Lemon Street

Division9gallery is hosting the reception for Gabriel Jeronimo's solo exhibition, Home Decor and Goods. The exhibition explores our relationship with mundane objects and plays upon our senses of nostalgia and sentimentality. It may be something as simple as the pattern on a plate that reminds you of your grandma. This exhibition is a fun reminder of how we interface with designed objects.

Jeronimo says of his show, "My work explores the random items and decor we all have in our homes, often overlooked, yet rich with history.' he says. "These objects are special because they remind us of something meaningful or were gifts from loved ones. I hope to share this journey with you at the art exhibition."

The RCAA has a lot going on this month. In celebration of Women's History Month, they have partnered with the students at the Ramona High School Arts Magnet for an incredible exhibition, Phenomenal Women. The vibrant and colorful depictions of influential women, ranging from Empress Masako to Greta Thunberg, are a whimsical look into what inspires these young artists.

Make sure you check out Mind The Gender Gap ii while you're there. This is a lead-in to a panel discussion on March 13th at the Civil Rights Institute featuring local artists and prominent women in the art community, which will discuss the challenges that still face women in the arts.

UCR Photography

A new exhibition at the California Museum of Photography, Off Reservation: Sofia Valiente and the Photo Students of Sherman Indian High School, showcases the work of a group of students from Sherman Indian High School's film photography club. The images are a peek into the students' lives and show the process of learning the media and the subject matter.

Museum of Riverside

In front of the museum steps, the Museum of Riverside honors the legacy of Chicano and Women's rights giant Dolores Huerta with a button-making project. Stop by to learn a little about her incredible life and get something to take home with you!

Inlandia Institute

These presentations at the Main Library Community Room are almost always standing room only and, without exception, worth the effort. This month's presentation, La Placita and Agua Mansa – Preserving History will surely not disappoint. Come and hear the story of what was here before it was Riverside and see a little bit of the process of the historian's craft collecting and telling the stories that connect us with our past.

Body of Freedom

The Center for Social Justice & Civil Liberties, located at 3855 Market Street will host an opening reception for The Body of Freedom during ArtsWalk. The program is a culmination of a year’s worth of workshops and projects that focus on social justice and equity. Art on display will include multi-media productions and live performances by local students. The project is sponsored by The Center for Social Justice & Civil Liberties, The Arts Magnet at Ramona High School, and Division 9 Gallery.

This article has been updated with new information as of March 5, 2025, at 11:55 a.m.

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