Neighbor of the Week: Diana Saenz
Each week, we will introduce a new neighbor. This is not a who's who list. These are regular Riversiders doing exceptional things.
A prompt to encourage your practice of creativity this week from Riversider and local author Larry Burns.
Greetings, you button-poppin' creatives! Last week, we used buttons to help us fashion a self-centered creative practice. It was no buttoned-down affair! What new inspired line spilled out of your creative closets? Did you stitch together a wall-ready button mandala that reflected your inner harmony? Maybe your overalls have a lot more buttons than strictly necessary to satisfy the fashion etiquette of your workplace? Even if all you did was move a few buttons around to expand your wardrobe to accommodate a "maturing" waistline, it's important to remember that the most enjoyable creative moments are in response to events in your life today.
This week, we're continuing our exploration of fashion-inspired creativity with a focus on the indispensable zipper. This ingenious invention, with its interlocking teeth and smooth gliding action, has revolutionized the way we fasten our clothes, secure our belongings, and interact with the world around us. In pop cultural terms, "zip it" is another way to shut someone down verbally.
Zippers are not merely functional objects or interjections; they're also tactile and visual delights. The rhythmic sound of a zipper opening and closing, the visual patterns created by the interlocking teeth, and even the existential fear of walking about with your zipper down can spark our imaginations and unlock new creative pathways. Anyone who has figured out discreet ways to check our zippers without being caught at the task can attest to the creativity required!
If you've managed that before, you're more than ready to fit one or more of these zipperiffic activities into your routine:
As we engage with these creative exercises, let's appreciate the zipper's ability to connect, separate, and transform. Even in fashion, the zipper's advent did not signal the end of the button's functionality. Instead, the zipper freed up completely new forms of fashionable expression that were not possible before.
Zippers can be symbols of security, accessibility, and even transformation, as they allow us to open up to new possibilities or close ourselves off from the world.
So, the next time you zip up your jacket or unzip a bag, take a moment to appreciate the ingenuity of this everyday invention and the creative spark it can provide to us; we too have the ability to connect with our creativity, open ourselves up to new experiences, and transform our ideas into reality.
This column was written with the help of Google's Gemini Advanced, a powerful generative AI writing tool.
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